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Midwest Macrobiotic Whole Foods Potlucks

If you give credence to the macrobiotic lifestyle or are curious about it, the best place to start is sharing a meal with people who are following this path. Those interested in attending a potluck or hosting one should contact Karen or Jeff at wienkotz@iac.net.

EarthSave Gatherings

EarthSave sponsors wonderful outings and events for people who are into a vegetarian and ecologically friendly lifestyle. Dine out with the group at various restaurants, or dine in at the monthly potluck held at St. John's Unitarian Church (320 Resor Ave.) in Clifton. To participate, call 513-929-2500. Tarriff: $2.00/members; $4.00/non-members, plus a potluck offering (preferably vegan).

Coming Soon

Tired of going to this or that event, and walking away still feeling empty? Our world has become so fragmented--most of us have become spectators. Though Shakespeare said "all the world's a stage", in former times creative people did gather together to share ideas and inspire one another without a specific format or agenda. To rekindle this spirit of interactive camaraderie, 'silent messages' will begin to hold salon gatherings. Stay tuned.