Bahá'í House Of Worship

Wilmette, Illinois 60091 847/853-2300

April 24, 2001

Cynthia Beischel
and Kristina Strom

Dear Ms. Beischel and Ms. Strom,

It was with surprise and delight that we first encountered your very welcome gift after you had left it here over a recent weekend. The insightful book you have created, From Eulogy to Joy, seems to be a most fitting member of our library and we can only imagine the many people who will benefit from its comforting thoughts. Although a full read has not been possible yet, the various segments that I have reviewed, are truly touching and articulate both the personal and the universal in such experiences. Thank you so much for thinking of our facility when you considered where to distribute this work.

On behalf of the Bahá'í House of Worship,
Best regards,

L. Caswell Ellis, Director

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